
Hello, I'm Marian..


I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. From a very young age I have always been drawn to computers (OMG! these things do EXACTLY what you tell them to do?) and was fascinated by coders, hackers and all that stuff.

I graduated as a Bachelor in Computer Science from UADE (Bac+4 for the french) and immediately started working as a developer. Loved it! ASP and PHP were my weapons of choice back in the day.

As my career advanced, I pivoted more and more into analysis and PO/PM roles (mainly because I wanted to have an impact and understanding of the «why» to build something rather than just focus on the «how») but I never neglected nor stopped shaping-up my technical side. I like to consider myself as a generalist, preferring breadth over depth, so that I can attack the problem at hand and remove blockers at multiple levels.

I just recently finished my MSc in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence from DSTI, where I graduated Summa Cum Laude while working full time.

So.. what excites me? I find myself particularly excited and inspired by the AI revolution that is taking place before our eyes and the potential it has to help people, advance science and solve complex problems. I just know in my heart that I want to be a part of it, so that’s I’m working hard in my data science skills so that I can combine them effectively with my experience as a Product Manager.

I’ve been very fortunate in that I got to live in multiple places over the last few years:

I’m currently hosted by as visiting scientist at CIRAD and working on the product management of the BMS. Adding my little (oh, so little) grain of sand to world’s food security, one sprint and scientist at a time.




That’s all career and professional stuff, but I’m also a seasoned drummer, a recent father, an avid reader and —as any good argentinean— a big soccer aficionado.


This is a chaotic and non-complete view of my intellectual interests and their intersections:

Books & reading

Some favorites, more here:




Some of my favorite paintings:


Definitely the highest point of my musical career was to do the open show for Dave Matthews Band when they played in Buenos Aires.

Good memories! 🙂

What I am listening now..